Monday, August 1, 2011

Ann Crispin: “The Write Agenda . . . It’s a Hate Site . . . ” Weinerdogs Convey Their Vileness to Recent Walt Disney Inquiry

In A.C.A.C. CrispinAbsolute WriteAccountabilityAmerican Book PublishingAnn "A.C." CrispinAnn CrispinAuthor,AuthorsCredibilityCrispinDisneyFilmmakerInfringementInterviewsInvestigationsJames D. MacDonaldMaking LightPirates Of The Caribbean: Price Of FreedomProfessionalismPropagandaPublishingReputationReputation ManagementScience Fiction & Fantasy Writers AssociationSFWATeresa Nielsen HaydenVictoria StraussWriter Bewareon July 24, 2011 at 5:11 pm
In our recent posting, Is Ann ‘A.C.’ Crispin Perpetuating and Assisting Disney with the Theft and Exploitation of another’s creative work? Pirates Of The Caribbean: Price Of Freedom . . . Infringement? we questioned whether Ann “A.C.” Crispin’s involvement in the book deal for Pirates Of The Caribbean: Price Of Freedom, may both be perpetuating and assisting Disney with the theft and exploitation of Royce Mathew’s creative works (Click here). Mr. Mathew recently took issue with Ann “A.C.” Crispin on the Author’s Goodreads page:
A. Crispin – what are you doing about this? – What the Walt Disney Company has done is that they have stolen my creative work/story & characters and used it for the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie – and the sequels – (for the 4th film, they then licensed the rights to the book On Stranger Tides and incorporated that.) Then with A. Crispin’s book – they gave her / hired her to take my characters and fictional inventions (such as the eccentric pirate and the pirate ship the Black Pearl) and to create a back story for them. Thus by her involvement for a book deal,A. Crispin is both perpetuating and assisting Disney with the theft and exploitation of my creative work. My website has documents and photo proof of my fight for accountability – and thus she should step forward and address the serious issue(s) at hand. See photo proof of the Walt Disney Company’s fraud, corruption and criminal acts in regards to the Pirates of the Caribbean movie franchise and my ongoing fight for accountability over the theft of my supernatural pirate story -” (Emphasis added.)
“Dear Mr. Mathew: If the US courts sustain your claims, I will certainly comply with any directives they give me. I am a law-abiding individual. I wish to make clear, however, that you did not write The Price of Freedom, as The Write Agenda sock puppet was implying. -I- wrote it, and at the time I wrote it I was completely unaware of any litigation that had been filed. You might want to check out The Write Agenda site. It’s a hate site, and nothing else, set up by people with an axe to grind against Writer Beware . . “. If these people are who we think they are, allying yourself with them would not redound to your credit in the courts, since they’re already in considerable trouble with the authorities.” (Emphasis added.)
Firstly, The Write Agenda never implied that Mr. Mathew wrote The Price of Freedom. We did bring the concerns of Mr. Mathew’s to the attention of our followers and readers. Secondly, we never contended that Ann “A.C.” Crispin didn’t write Pirates Of The Caribbean: Price Of Freedom. We did raise the issue and are questioning whether there is any validity to Mr. Mathew’s claims that Ann “A.C.” Crispin’s involvement in the book deal for Pirates Of The Caribbean: Price Of Freedom, may both be perpetuating and assisting Disney with the theft and exploitation of Royce Mathew’s creative works. These are fair and reasonable questions to be asking considering Mr. Mathew’s claims. Moreover, it is in the public’s interest to know regardless of whether Disney or Mr. Mathew is correct. In spite of Ann “A.C.” Crispin’s admonishment regarding The Write Agenda, Mr. Mathew ignored her warnings and gave Ann “A.C.” Crispin a few himself:
Ann C. Crispin - I am an independent artist, with credentials who is actively fighting for accountability over the theft of my creative work.., [sic] and I have never claimed I wrote the book The Price of FreedomYet that book was built off of my creative property that includes my supernatural pirate story, characters and fictional inventions. If you read my statement/letter/posting – it states that the facts prove that the Walt Disney Company has engaged in criminal acts that involve them stealing my creative work including my original story, characters, and fictional inventions for their Pirates of the Caribbean movie franchise (starting with the first movie The Curse of the Black Pearl). Photo proof of this is on my website which has been filed with government agencies and with the court(s). Then after my creative work was illegally branded as a Disney creative property, it was then given to you, which you were evidently hired, to take my characters and fictional inventions (such as the eccentric pirate and the pirate ship the Black Pearl) and to create a back story for them. Thus the Walt Disney Company has been bringing other people into their company circle with which to help them to further profit and exploit my creative property. Either knowingly or unknowingly, yours, as well as Johnny Depp, and others, have been all perpetuating and assisting Disney with the theft and exploitation of my creative work. May I point out that my fight for accountability and righteousness is all over the internet – and I will continue to lawfully seek justice and accountability in regards to the theft and exploitation of my creative work, as well as against the Walt Disney Company’s corrupt and criminal legacy of Michael Eisner, that still continues with Robert Iger and Michael Eisner. Here is a recent 2011 online interview with me (Royce Mathew) in regards to my career which involves Disney, Michael Eisner, Marty Sklar and more…… In closing, you, as well as others, have a choice – which is to either ignore the documented facts as you (directly or indirectly) aided and continue to profit from Disney’s criminal actions – or you can do something positive about it. - I welcome all communications and interviews as this serious matter is far from over.” (Emphasis added.)
Fellow weinerdog, Victoria Strauss, came to Ann “A.C.” Crispin’s aid but only to use the opportunity to throw a jab at The Write Agenda:
“Thanks for your comments, Royce. I too was unaware of your lawsuit before you contacted me (at my Writer Beware email address) two weeks ago. I’ll be interested to follow your progress. I have to echo Ann’s caution about being careful with whom you associate yourself. If you’re looking for allies, The Write Agenda is a dubious one to choose. Any overtures it may have made toward you are intended to further its own agenda–to discredit Ann and others who warn about scams in the book publishing world–not to help you with your cause.(Emphasis added.)
Again, avoiding Victoria Strauss’ attempt to discredit The Write Agenda, Mr. Mathew put the smack-down on Victoria Strauss as well:
My website details many things including how Disney has engaged in additional corrupt acts with which to make it seem that my supernatural pirate story, characters and fictional inventions are part of their Pirates of the Caribbean ride attraction. For example my pirate ship is the Black Pearl, owned by the eccentric pirate, while the pirate ship in the Pirates of the Caribbean ride attraction (for over thirty years) is the Wicked Wench owned by a generic captain pirate. Yet Disney is instructing those hired by them to make it suddenly owned by an eccentric pirate, and that the Wicked Wench was later burned, sunk, raised and renamed the Black Pearl. Yes, I am naturally angry to see my creative work stolen (via Ted Elliott, Terry Rossio & condoned by Michael Eisner) exploited, used and credited to others. Meanwhile via Jason Surrell, Marty Sklar and others, Disney is doing various things with which to help them obscure the facts/truth behind the origins of the supernatural pirate story / characters / fictional inventions (which I own). Johnny Depp / his sister (his partner/manager) could have sent an assistant or attorney to review all of the documents but he didn’t. Instead he is profiting without showing any concern whatsoever. Meanwhile Ann Crispin and others are also profiting – and if they don’t know about it, then now they do. No doubt thatAnn Crispin is an experience author – however, as I have stated – she as others, have a choice – which is to either ignore the documented facts as they (directly or indirectly) aided and continue to profit from Disney’s criminal actions – or they can do something positive about it and demand answers.(Emphasis added.)
We, The Write Agenda, applaud Royce Mathew for staying on topic, avoiding Ann “A.C.” Crispin’s and Victoria Strauss’ vile attempt to cloud the issues, and for forcing Ann “A.C.” Crispin and Victoria Strauss face the facts of his plight. Ann “A.C.” Crispin and Victoria Strauss both have a history of ignoring documented facts (Click here):

What is most interesting is how defensive and caustic these weinerdogs become whenever you question a relative point that involves themAnn “A.C.” Crispin called The Write Agenda a “hate site.” We’ve spent considerable time reviewing all of our postings and have yet to find one that could even remotely be construed as hate speech. Presumably, if you disagree or challenge Ann “A.C.” Crispin, and her fellow weinerdogs, including Victoria Strauss, it’s interpreted as hate speech. So, we challenge Ann “A.C.” Crispin to identify any of our postings that can prove her statement that The Write Agenda is in fact a “hate site.” We have challenged Ann “A.C.” Crispin and her fellow weinerdogs in the past . . .  they never reply; especially when they have been caught with their pants down. Bring it on Ann “A.C.” Crispin . . .  there’s always an open door here. Victoria Strauss has never replied to our requests to prove her claims against American Book Publishing . . . never!
Victoria Strauss stated that aligning one’s self with The Write Agenda is a “dubious” choice and only serves to further the agenda of The Write Agenda. In reply, we cannot think of two individuals that have used their positions to propagate more hate than Ann “A.C.” Crispin and Victoria Strauss. We would be remiss to fail to include other weinerdogs including James D. Macdonald and Teresa Nielsen Hayden in this mix of hateful people.  Their cultish sites are nothing more than recruiting and training grounds for dilettante authors, failing authors and “flying monkeys”  that are encouraged to proliferate their hate messages (Click here) via Google bombs (if you need examples, contact us).
Since we question the activities and reporting of the weinerdogs, Victoria Strauss wants to label us “dubious” or that we are “not to be relied upon.” Of all of the weinerdogs Victoria Strauss has proven herself to be the most “dubious” (i.e. not to be relied upon). For example, Victoria Strauss and her accomplice Ann “A.C.”Crispin have placed American Book Publishing on their (Writer Beware) “Thumbs Down” list and stated that American Book Publishing “has been the subject of “at least one police investigation.”  The Write Agenda, through “extensive documentation,” has in fact proven that this claim by Victoria Strauss is false (click here). For more information on Victoria Strauss and her possible motives against American Book Publishing, click here. Obviously, the reputation and integrity of Victoria Strauss’ reporting has been seriously called into question.
In conclusion, Victoria Strauss has remained silent regarding the findings and challenges to her credibility raised by The Write Agenda. Normally, most people and companies will respond quickly with a response when reputations are challenged. However, she has basically stuck her head in the sand hoping that our findings, i.e. that American Book Publishing was never the subject of a “police investigation,”  will simply pass.
Victoria Strauss will continue to be a blemish on the “watchdog” community until she can either: 1) admit or deny that  her actions against American Book Publishing were in retaliation to her attempt to get on the payroll of American Book Publishing; 2) admit or deny that these postings were the result of her following up on a threat to post a false report; and/or 3) admit or deny the veracity of the statements made against American Book Publishing. Until this can happen, Victoria Strauss will no longer be considered an effective “watchdog.” In fact, the lies and disingenuousness have reduced Victoria Straussto a “weinerdog” that deserves a kennel at Anthony Weiner’s “House of Deceit.” It’s simple, the publishing community (authors, agents, publishers, etc.)  needs to rise up and force and compel Victoria Strauss to take responsibility for her claims against American Book Publishing. 
This is your call to action. Write to Victoria. Write to her publishers. Write to the officers of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA). Post the link to this article on your websites and blogs. If Victoria Strauss continues to remain silent, she will leave 1000′s of authors speculating about her credibility as a “watchdog.” Victoria Strauss’ silence and selective use of research material leads a reasonable person to conclude that Victoria Strauss is a liar with a hidden agenda. As a result, she has damaged her own reputation.
The Write Agenda is a “hate site” and “dubious,” seriously? Ann “A.C.” CrispinVictoria Strauss prove it. We will continue to question the weinerdogs (Ann “A.C.” CrispinVictoria Strauss et. al.) until they have the ovarian (testicular) fortitude to come clean and admit their short comings to all of us. Most importantly, Ann “A.C.” Crispin and Victoria Straussboth need to admit that they have lied regarding their reporting that American Book Publishing was the subject of a police investigation.
“Is Ann “A.C.” Crispin Perpetuating and Assisting Disney with the Theft and Exploitation of Another’s Creative Work? Pirates Of The Caribbean: Price Of Freedom . . . Infringement? « The Write Agenda.” The Write Agenda. Web. 23 July 2011. <>.
 “Victoria Strauss (Amherst, MA)’s Review of Pirates of the Caribbean: The Price of Freedom.” Share Book Recommendations With Your Friends, Join Book Clubs, Answer Trivia. Web. 23 July 2011. <>.
“Victoria Strauss (Amherst, MA)’s Review of Pirates of the Caribbean: The Price of Freedom.” Share Book Recommendations With Your Friends, Join Book Clubs, Answer Trivia. Web. 23 July 2011. <>.